
Sobre nosotros

Somos tu gente. ¡Descubre un poco más!

Ayudamos a las empresas a ofrecer nuevas experiencias de aprendizaje a sus empleados. Aprendizaje divertido, alegre y un poco desordenado.
Experiencias que despiertan el entusiasmo de las personas.

Combinamos diferentes disciplinas y años de experiencia
experiencia en coaching, eventos, teatro y trabajo social, creemos en la en la experiencia inmersiva de aprender haciendo.

Vera Ciria

Al crecer en Canadá, la naturaleza ha sido una compañera constante en mi vida. Los espacios verdes tiran de cada célula de mi ser. Hay una cierta rebeldía en la naturaleza, que ha sido otro ingrediente crucial en mi vida. Un rechazo a aceptar el statu quo. Creo que el aprendizaje puede ser divertido, creativo y vivo, lleno de alegría. Que las cosas pueden hacerse de forma diferente para las personas, las empresas y el planeta.

Inés Alarcón

I grew up near the sea, with the smell of salt and clear skies. From the sea I learnt the power of change; from the night sky the pleasure of dreaming and imagining. In the world of theatre and culture I continued dreaming and creating stories. With workshops and people, I have seen the impact of transformation.
I believe in a conscious world in which we belong, as part of a greater ecosystem. Where people, with their stories and dreams, find their place. Where dialogue with the environment happens on a daily basis.

Javier Tejedor

I try to observe the world with new perspective, broadening my gaze to understand the complexity that surrounds us. I enjoy creating and facilitating processes and concepts in creative and profound ways.
I like to accompany changes in perspective using tools that allow us to promote collaborative learning.

Dave World

I grew up playing in the English countryside and was rarely indoors. What I once took for granted I now truly appreciate as an essential part of our wellbeing and something that holds the key to deeper understanding.
Nothing makes me happier than bringing others to these spaces and that is what brings me here.

El potencial de aprender a través de las experiencias